RESPECT: Wendell Pierce Loses Everything In Louisiana Floods And Still Puts Helping Others First

by | Aug 24, 2016 | Celebrities, News | 0 comments

I don’t really know what to say about this man, he never ceases to amaze. Act after act he shows care and compassion beyond that of your regular actor.

He is more than a selfish celebrity, he is a man of character, integrity and someone to look up to. Even when he got into a political scuffle he stood up and apologised for his actions, taking responsibility for what had happened.

Now, we must feel for him. The recent floods in Louisiana which saw over 40,000 homes affected and at least 11 dead have also taken everything fm Wendell.


On Monday, a TMZ reporter approached Wendell at LAX airport. He was visibly shaken but still courteous to the man getting up in his business. He told the reporter:

“I don’t know what I’m going to do,… I just lost everything.”

He was just coming from Baton Rouge and returning to the city very soon. This is the second time natural destruction has taken things away from him after Katrina took away his childhood home.

Still after Katrina he got his hands dirty, helping New Orleans, down on his hands and knees and pumping a ton of his own money into reviving the area, helping the people.

Now, he has shown true character again. After he has lost everything he took to Twitter, not to complain, but tweeted:

“Help the people of Louisiana: American Red Cross – Baton Rouge/Louisiana Chapter (225-291-4533)Baton Rouge Food Bank (225-359-9940)”

A real inspiration. We have outlined more ways you can help those affected by the floods in our article CAN YOU HELP? How To Volunteer And Help Flooded Louisiana

Peace Wendell, we hope you can get through this tough time.

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