WORD: Rapper Big Sean Raised OVER $82K For Flint Children

by | Aug 2, 2016 | Celebrities, News | 0 comments

Flint, Michigan’s crisis is STILL HAPPENING and the kids are still becoming victims of this terrible attack against it’s people.

While the mainstream media more or less have forgotten about these kids it seems some people have been working hard. Rapper Big Sean hasn’t forgotten and his foundation has done some amazing work raising over $82K to help heal Flint’s kids!

Here is what their website said:

On Saturday, May 24, the Sean Anderson Foundation, Focus For Health Foundation, Crim Fitness Foundation, Flint Community Schools and AmeriCorps Michigan came together to host “Community Fun Day“!

The event served as a culmination of the combined efforts of so many who came together for our #HealFlintsKids campaign. What began in January 2016, as a response to President Obama’s State of Emergency in Flint, MI, #HealFlintKids went on to raise $82,755 for the Community Foundation of Greater Flint‘s “Flint Child Health & Development Fund“. The money deposited into the fund will be used to address the ongoing medical needs of the children affected by lead poisoning. At the time this article was published, $6.7 million dollars had been deposited into the fund.

The Sean Anderson Foundation could not have made such an impact in Flint, if not for the partnership of the Focus For Health Foundation (FFH). If not for the work of individuals like Sabha Abour, Shannon Mulvihill, Tiffany High and FFH founder Barry Segal, we would have been limited to only a financial contribution. With their support and commitment towards providing the children and residents of Flint with information and resources, we were able to create, print and distribute City of Flint approved lead informational handouts and booklets to over 5,000 residents. DOWNLOAD THE LEAD INFORMATIONAL HANDOUTS HERE: http://seanandersonfoundation.org/2016/03/12/whatdoesleadpoisoninglooklike/


Launched in partnership with the online crowd-sourcing platform CrowdRise, #HealFlintsKids was also able to raise the $82,755, thanks in large part to donations from Cleveland Brown’s Wide Receiver Andrew Hawkins, Roc Nation’s DJ Mustard and BOOTS, Comedian Hannibal Buress and the Michigan State University Interfraternity Council, in addition to the donation by the Focus For Health Foundation.

At this time, we also want to acknowledge the work of individuals in Flint like Lauren Holaly at the Crim Fitness Foundation. Not only did Lauren make Community Fun Day a reality, but Lauren also works with her team at the Crim Fitness Foundation every day to make the lives of children in Flint healthier!

No matter the size or amount of aid given, the Sean Anderson Foundation thanks every individual who was able to contribute towards the success of the #HealFlintsKids campaign! Together, we made a stand with the children of Flint to be of service to their health, and without your efforts, the magnitude and reach of the aid given would not be possible.

Thank you, for being a living example, that #ItTakesOnes because #OneManCanChangeTheWorld!

Read more here.

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