Yale Drops Case Against HERO Worker Who Smashed Window Depicting Enslaved Carrying Cotton!

by | Jul 15, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Some people stand up for what’s right and the actions of one Yale worker saw him facing charges for a courageous act.

Our hero is 38 year-old Mr. Corey Menafee.

He worked at the uni for around 8 years and he began working at Calhoun residential colleges last December.

Now, there is a lot of debate around Calhoun right now. It’s namesake is for John C. Calhoun, he was a Yale alumnus and a leading 19th-century politician. oh and a slaveholder!

The college has depictions of Calhoun and enslaved people’s around including one stained glass window that Mr. Menafee took a stand against.


He was initially arrested in mid-June after he climbed ontop of a table and smashed the window with a broom handle.

The window depicted enslaved people carrying cotton. After arrest he told a Police officer:

“No employee should be subject to coming to work and seeing slave portraits on a daily basis,”

He was charged with a misdemeanor for reckless endangerment in the second degree and a felony for criminal mischief in the first degree.

This led to him apologizing and resigning.

After the incident took a while to get into the wider world support grew and many turned up on his side. Yale eventually dropped the charges and have made decisions to remove other areas of the college depicting enslaved peoples.

Mr. Menafee lost his job over this, he should never have been subjected to this imagery related to a man the college is holding in high esteem.

He did something brave and he should be reinstated and brought in on a committee for the future of the college name and redecoration.

We support him!

What do you think?

More details can be found here: http://nyti.ms/2a3bAbZ

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