Where does the black community stand on Planned Parenthood? Love or Hate it?

by | Feb 2, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

QFAM: If Black folks understand the history of Planned Parenthood and its founder then you can understand how NAACP endorsement of PP is a gross conflict of interest.

Where does the black community stand on Planned Parenthood? Love or Hate it?

Do people think its a coincidence that Israel forced birth control on Ethiopians and that most PP clinics are in or close proximity to Black neighborhoods?

About Planned Parenthood

From their website:

planned parenthood

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s leading sexual and reproductive health care provider and advocate.

For nearly 100 years, we’ve worked to improve women’s health and safety, prevent unintended pregnancies, and advance the right and ability of individuals and families to make informed and responsible choices.

Planned Parenthood is many things to many people.

We are a trusted health care provider, an informed educator, a passionate advocate, and a global partner helping similar organizations around the world. Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide.

Providing Trusted Community Health Care

Planned Parenthood is America’s most trusted provider of reproductive health care. Our skilled health care professionals are dedicated to offering men, women, and teens high-quality, affordable medical care. One in five American women has chosen Planned Parenthood for health care at least once in her life.

Informing and Educating the Community

Planned Parenthood is a respected leader in educating Americans about reproductive and sexual health. We deliver comprehensive and medically accurate information that empowers women, men, teens, and families to make informed choices and lead healthy lives. Planned Parenthood is proud of its vital role in providing young people with honest sexuality and relationship information in classrooms and online to help reduce our nation’s alarmingly high rates of teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. More than one million youths and adults participate in Planned Parenthood educational programs every year.

Leading the Reproductive Health and Rights Movement

On campuses and online, in statehouses and courts, in community settings, and in the media, Planned Parenthood is a visible and passionate advocate for policies that enable Americans to access comprehensive reproductive and sexual health care, education, and information. Whether talking with members of Congress, parents, or faith leaders, or arguing cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, we fight for commonsense policies that promote women’s health, allow individuals to prevent unintended pregnancies through access to affordable contraception, and protect the health of young people by providing them with comprehensive sex education.

Advancing Global Health

For many individuals around the world, access to vital reproductive and sexual health care and information is blocked — by poverty, a lack of basic services, or politics and war. Planned Parenthood works with local partners in Africa and Latin America to overcome these barriers by increasing access to health care and education. We nurture local leadership, foster sustainable health and education programs, and fight for legal, social, and political improvements in communities around the world.

Source: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/about-us/who-we-are-4648.htm



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