Dump with Trump | Chinese Company Aims to Make Toilet Paper Great Again (Crass, But Funny)

by | Jun 17, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

While the election heat is raising up in USA, over the pond some serious money is being made by mocking the world’s most famous US presidential candidate in the most extraordinary manner – by putting his face on a toilet paper!

Yes, you heard right, now you can purchase a toilet paper roll with the face of Donald Trump for just $0.50! There are three different designs available: smiling Trump, pointing Trump and pouting Trump. And guess what? The business is blooming and the majority of buyers are actually Americans!

Jokes aside, this is actually a pretty lucrative business set up by a Chinese company Qingdao Wallpaper Industrial Co., based in Shandong province. The idea for this product came as an ironic response to Trump’s anti-Beijing stance, but is has since then evolved into a real business. Company representatives claim that they have gone from around 100 rolls per order in the beginning, all the way to astounding 5000 rolls per order today!

There is also a Hillary Clinton design of the same toilet paper, but its sales are, compared to Trump, really weak. For every six Donald Trump toilet paper rolls, one Hillary Clinton is sold.
As if the idea itself isn’t enough, the product’s catchphrase is something to remember. Can you try to guess it?

Yes, the catchphrase is indeed – “Dump with Trump.”

dump with trump

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