SMH: Egyptian Minister Calls Sub-Saharan African’s “Dogs And Slaves”

by | Jun 2, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

I’ve lived in Egypt, for two years of my live. I know this country well and I know there are a lot of good people there. Sadly it seems that not one of them maintains any position in the government.

A seriously corrupt old man’s club that basically has little respect and bases itself largely on class and military rank. It is disgusting and this latest diplomatic screw up really only highlights the surface of this f**ked up mess.

Basically all the time this gov is in power Egypt really shouldn’t have a right to say or do anything when it comes to the international table.

So what on earth has happened?

Basically a senior member of the government has been outright racist during a UN conference in Nairobi. Of all the places, seriously? reported:

Details about what is no doubt a full-fledged diplomatic incident only became public after a memo written by Yvonne Khamati, the Chairperson of the African Diplomatic Corps (ADC) Technical Committee, to the Dean of the Africa Diplomatic Corps Ambassador Kelebert Nkomani leaked online. In the memo, Khamati gives a fly-on-the-wall recount of the build up to the disgusting comments from the Egyptian official.

“During the closing session of UNEA-2, 24 resolutions were adopted by member States, which was a triumph for most countries, especially African countries. However, divisions arose when the resolution on Gaza was not adopted due to procedural issues, that is, a lack of quorum because most delegations had left. As a result, a few African delegations consulted with the delegation of Morocco, in their capacity as Chair of the Arab League and Egypt, with the view to dissuade them from nullifying the resolutions that had already been adopted before the issue of quorum was raised.”

“During our consultations with Egypt, the head of the Egyptian delegation and current President of AMCEN dismissed our concerns by informing that they would speak in their sovereign capacity and to that extent, referred to Sub-Saharan Africa as DOGS AND SLAVES, in Arabic.”

You can read more here:

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