S.Carolina Gov Wants Blacks Off Her Beaches!

by | Jun 2, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Have you heard of black bike week, otherwise known as Atlantic Beach Bikefest? Every year in South Carolina many many black bikers congregate in an area just north of Myrtle Beach for meeting of blacks who love biking. Something that’s usually overwhelmingly white.

Now, in 2014 the event had a terrible problem, three deaths in a place near the event. The event always has it’s fair share of “large-event” crime from drug use to sexual harassment and more.

And it’s this that’s led South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to call for an end to the week. One she says isn’t worth the revenue because of the bad press and the problems caused for the residents of her happy white state.

Ok, in reality it’s a fair call you could say. She of course doesn’t want the trouble that comes with the event, and no one really does want such things.

But why just attack Black Bike Week? The state has many many events and many bad problems associated with the large crowds, the people with their vacation “do what the F I want” attitudes.

This is where things feel like they are getting a little targeted and seriously she needs to put this in perspective. At the end of the day you need to better police all events or find a way to cut them down or shut them down outright. BUT you can’t just go after black bike week alone?

That is racist, right?

The whole mess is explained very well here: http://bit.ly/24kRRo0

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