STACEY PLEASE!!!!!! Stacey Dash Announces Her Official Endorsement Of Donald Trump

by | May 24, 2016 | Celebrities, News, Politics News | 0 comments

Staceeeeyyyyyyyyy, what is Ms Dash doing! Our best guess is just trying to hit more headlines and be more controversial so her name can stay in lights.

Not only has she officially endorsed Donald Trump for the White House, she has also been named as a donor to the Great America PAC. She is a top-level financia supporter. The PAC has raised $2 million in four months from aroud 30,000 donors for Trump.

Below is her instagram endoresment and some of the comments are genius

Have a read!

#DashAmerica endorses @realdonaldtrump for President of the United States of America

A photo posted by Stacey Dash (@realstaceyldash) on

Do you think we should just ignore Dash or is it worth going on about her?

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