Former Republican Speaker of the House is an Admitted Child Molester, His Sentence will Make you Sick

by | May 4, 2016 | Politics News | 0 comments

If you didn’t know, former Republican House Speaker, Dennis Hastert, was sentenced to fifteen months in imprisonment by Judge Durkin who referred to him as a child molester in court. The judge ordered him to enroll in a sex offenders program. Dennis was ostensibly sentenced for one count of evading the Bank Secrecy Act’s for trying to pay one of his victim’s silence.

His actual crimes took place decades ago and since statute of limitations for the crimes had passed he could only be convicted for the hush money case.

Dennis who is now 74 years old was accused of abusing 4 boys ages 14-17 years old when he was coaching in a Yorkville High in Illinois. One of the victims broke his silence and testified about his torments at the hearing proceedings in Chicago federal court.

The sentence that Dennis Hastert received included a fine of $250,000 plus 2 years of supervised release. The National Wrestling Hall of Fame has also thrown Hastert out of the ring of honor.

The Hall of Fame said that the board of directors unanimously voted to rescind the honors Dennis received over the years.

What’s most disturbing about all of this is there has barely been any media coverage on this story. I believe that violating a child is no different than killing someone and there should not be a statute of limitation when it comes to hurting children. Michael Jackson was dragged for the false allegations brought against only to later have the boys admit that their parents forced to lie for money. Hell Michael Vick was dragged was dog fighting but I guess no matter the crime when committed by a man of color is worse.

I feel sorry for the boys he hurt. This happens too often to children by people we are supposed to trust. It is continuously happening because there is no real punishment for the crime. This sick individuals should spend the rest of their lives in jail, while most of them only get a pat on the hand.

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