Nearly 20% of Donald Trump Supporters Opposed To Lincoln’s Freeing The So-Called Slaves

by | Apr 12, 2016 | Politics News | 0 comments

Donald Trump supporters continue to be extremely fervent. The supporters of business person Donald Trump continue to be heavily critical of commentators like Erick Erickson, Erickson, in particular, has been critical of Trump’s rise and his overall success in leading the GOP’s nominating process.

Many Trump supporters are upset about the fact that they have lost their jobs to globalization. Trump has capitalized on a lot of this fear that can be tied to this job loss and economic struggle.

Trump seeks to make America great again, but it would be difficult to see how Trump would do well by drawing support from people like ex-Congressman David Duke.

Trump Supporters2

Trump supporters tend to believe a lot of false information. They don’t really like a lot the changes that have occurred in America.

This affirmation is why it should not surprise anyone that 20 percent of his supporters may look back, and be opposed to the concept of Abraham Lincoln freeing the slaves.

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