Guess Why Donald Trump Kicked 30 Black Kids Out Of His Rally?…

by | Mar 1, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

If reports from Trump’s Valdosta State University rally yesterday are true then this has yet more serious implications.

It’s being reported that around 30 quiet students were removed from the rally. They stood by the bleachers, quietly, wanting to see trump and cause no problems when secret services removed them. Their only problem, it seems, they were black!

Watching Trump while black seems to be an issue! It seems like he doesn’t even want the black vote after his recent actions and this kind of profiling from a potential future president is very very very worrying.

Jennifer Jacobs, a Des Moines Register reporter, said that secret service had been asked by Trump to remove the students.

A video posted on USA today saw a tearful student say

“I think we got kicked out because we’re a group of black people,”
“I guess … they’re afraid we’re going to say something or do something. But we just really wanted to watch the rally. To get kicked out because we’re a group of black people … shows you how racist our own school is.”

Here is the video

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