Both Say They Will Ban Private Prisons. Bernie Took $0 But Hillary Clinton Accepted Over $133K From Prison Lobbyists

by | Feb 24, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Let’s be clear. Why would anyone accept a large donation from a sector they openly say they want to ban? You could argue that you might as well take money from whoever will give it but we all know that’s NOT how politics work.

Bernie Sanders says (and has acted already) that he wants to ban prisons for profit. Hilary Clinton says more or less the same thing. There is one absolutely stunningly huge difference here though.

Bernie Sanders has not taken one single cent from prison lobbyists. Hilary Clinton has reportedly (by Vice) taken $133,246 from lobbying firms that work for two major private prison giants, GEO Group and Corrections Corporation of America. This money was given to the the Ready for Hillary PAC.

Bernie has not only said he wants to stop the ridculous industry of profitable prisons. He has acted alreadt last year when he launched the “Justice is not for Sale Act” with Democratic Reps. Raúl Grijalva of Arizona, Keith Ellison of Minnesota and Bobby Rush of Illinois.

At the time Bernie said

“The profit motivation of private companies running prisons works at cross purposes with the goals of criminal justice,… Criminal justice and public safety are without a doubt the responsibility of the citizens of our country, not private corporations. They should be carried out by those who answer to voters, not those who answer to investors.”

In this instance can we really trust Hilary? I think not….

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