After Civil Rights Icon Rep. John Lewis Slammed Bernie Sanders He Now Backpedals And Says He Wasn’t Meant “To Disparage His Activism”

by | Feb 15, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Last week Civil Rights icon Rep. John Lewis appeared to be slamming Bernie Sanders when he made comments that seemed to question his involvement in the civil rights movement.

Lewis was quoted as saying:

“I never saw him. I never met him,” Lewis told reporters on Thursday, according to the Associated Press. “I chaired the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee for three years from 1963 to 1966. I was involved in the sit-ins, the Freedom Rides, the March on Washington, the march from Selma (Alabama) to Montgomery and directed the voter education project for six years. I met Hillary Clinton, I met President Clinton.”

This seems like a clear attack however Lewis is now backpedaling and told MSNNC on Saturday

“I was responding to a reporter’s question who asked me to assess Sen. Sanders’ civil rights record. I said that when I was leading and was at the center of pivotal actions within the Civil Rights Movement, I did not meet Sen. Bernie Sanders at any time. The fact that I did not meet him in the movement does not mean I doubted that Sen. Sanders participated in the Civil Rights Movement, neither was I attempting to disparage his activism. Thousands sacrificed in the 1960s whose names we will never know, and I have always given honor to their contribution.”

Now, this seems like he is trying to squirm out of a strong comment he made. It was clear what he said and it was a clear attack. If he regrets it then he should just come out and say that. Not knocking Lewis’s record or his amazing work, just he needs to be straight.

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