Did You Know Huey P. Newton Earned His PhD & Focused His Dissertation on the Black Panthers? [Read His Paper Here]

by | Feb 12, 2016 | Black 365, History, Modern History | 0 comments

Huey P. Newton was a political activist and doctorate of social philosophy, who along with cofounder Bobby Seale formed The Black Panther Party. Newton’s role would be that of chief theoretician. Thus, Newton provided the philosophical foundation in which the party relied upon to draw its overall belief system and ideas for the future.

Newton came up from poverty, and had a tough transition into later academia – so much that after his high school graduation he was practically illiterate. However, Newton’s literacy inadequacies were not due to lack of intelligence, he just wasn’t inspired to learn from his teachers.

dr-huey-p-newtonHuey later proved this, by being accepted into U.C. Santa Cruz and earning his bachelor’s degree. Newton’s academic history would have multiple obstacles, including law enforcement. He didn’t let being in prison stop him from completing his PhD, however, as he even took one of his courses with Robert Trivers (famed evolutionary biologist) from the prison. Not allowing any circumstance to stop him, Huey P. Newton finished his dissertation, aptly titled ‘War Against The Panthers: A Study of Repression in America’.

Read Huey P. Newton’s PhD Dissertation here:


· http://weblog.liberatormagazine.com/2012/07/huey-newtons-doctoral-dissertation.html

· http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Huey_Newton.aspx

· https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huey_P._Newton

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