The University of Connecticut is doing something quite bold and controversial in what it says is an effort to fight the low graduation rates of blacks from the university.
They are inviting applications (and promoting a scholarship) for a program starting this fall that will provide a living space aimed at black students.
The main Storrs launched the program for 40 black male undergrads to live together in a section of the student residence. The idea is that they can share common experiences and help each other throughout their study.
But is this a smart move or just one that throws decades of racial progress out the window?
Fox News reported:
ScHOLA²RS House – which stands for “Scholastic House of Leaders who are African American Researchers and Scholars” – was designed so UConn could more effectively marshal resources for black males, similar to other learning communities at the school that live as a group. When ScHOLA²RS House launches, it will be located in a new facility, Next Generation Connecticut Hall, along with seven other learning communities.
At the end of the day anyone can apply but it’s clear that the program is going to favor black males, currently around 13 people have applied.
Understandably people are a bit troubled by the whole thing. It seems like segregation or short-sightedness but I would be very interested in hearing your views.
You can read more about the program here on Coed: