IGNORED: Ohio Police Shot An Unarmed Mother And Infant, The Mother Died And The Police Found No Evidence Of Misconduct!!!

by | Dec 22, 2015 | News | 0 comments

Big profile cases are filling the news showing a serious problem with police shooting african americans for often trivial things.

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However these shootings have been an issue for a long time and sometimes things manage to be swept under the carpet.

Ohio certainly seems to have an issue. 12 year old Tamir Rice and John Crawford’s death have made a national impact so now this is a good time to try and bring up and find some answers and justice for a very sad death that happened over 7 years ago. It was largely ignored and the police never answered for their crime.

Counter Current News says “the FBI’s recently-released report on the rampant corruption of the Cleveland Police Department is any indication, dirty cops shooting innocent, unarmed people in Ohio is far from new”

In the incident their article also brings to light a young mother was shot dead and her infant injured (26-year-old Tarika Wilson and her 14-month-old infant child) in a botched SWAT team operation against the mother’s partner.

The article reports:

Back in 2008, a SWAT team showed up at Wilson’s house in Lima, Ohio’s Southside neighborhood. It was early in the evening on January 4th.

The warrant the SWAT cops had was part of the failed so-called “War on Drugs.”

But it was not Wilson who was named on the warrant, it was her companion Anthony Terry. Without any warning, officers smashed her door down and entered with machine guns drawn, according to neighbors who witnessed the raid.

In just seconds, SWAT officers shot and killed Wilson, 26, and wounded her 14-month-old son.

The shooter, Sgt. Joseph Chavalia, a 31-year veteran of the Lima police force, was placed on paid administrative leave.

A police internal investigation found “no evidence of police misconduct,” and the police have not provided any further answers, this case needs to be spread and awareness needs to be made to hopefully get some answers.

Read more on Counter Current News here.

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