The Lessons Black People Can Learn From Ants

by | Nov 24, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

No one respects the ant. You can crush it with a boot. People hate when ants come in their house or near their food. Honestly, that is quite understandable. But I want to ask you one question. Have you ever seen an ant by itself. Usually, when it is one, there are a few that are around. Have you ever considered why?

Ants have a few unique trait that black people need to adapt. One ant doesn’t worry about what the other ant is doing. Ants focus on what their specific duty is. They are not jealous of what the ant is doing nor do they pay attention to it. Ants are only concerned about the greater good of the colony. Ants work together to ensure the safety of one another.

How different would our community be if we behaved like ants? How better off would we be if we didn’t worry about what the next black person had? How didn’t would this bigoted country treat us if we came together as one with our money and showed them who truly had financial power? Could you imagine………………just how different things would be if we were to behave like ants.

These ants creating bridges with their bodies will terrify and…

These ants creating bridges with their bodies will terrify and amaze you.

Posted by Mashable on Monday, November 23, 2015

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