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Can You Believe This Man Earns Up to $1,000 a Week Waiting In Lines for Other People? | The Uber for Line Waiting | Urban Intellectuals

Can You Believe This Man Earns Up to $1,000 a Week Waiting In Lines for Other People? | The Uber for Line Waiting

by | Oct 6, 2015 | Business, News | 0 comments

Entrepreneurs are an amazing brand of people. While others sit around and complain about there not being enough jobs in the community, they see a problem, then set out to solve it. This is exactly how the Uber of Line waiting business model started.

Robert Samuel is the man behind the business Same Ole Line Dudes.

He recognized how people cannot stand waiting in line for hours to get the new iPhone, Samsung, movie or concert tickets. Therefore, he decided to start a business to stand in line for these people.

What he discovered is people are not only willing to pay, but pay GOOD MONEY to have someone stand in line for them.

Samuel refers to his business as the “Uber for line waiting” and it seems like a very good idea and business for him. Located in New York city, it seems he has an abundance of opportunities to wait in line to be able to purchase something his customers strongly desirer.

How much does he charge?

You are probably wondering how much Samuel charges to wait in line and the pricing structure will down right shock you.

He fetches $25 for the first hour, plus an additional $10 for each following half hour. Therefore, after the first hour, his rate is $45 an hour. And in the video below, he waits in line for 48 hours to purchase the new iPhone 6 for his client.

On a good week, he can make up to $1,000 a week for simply waiting in line.

There are opportunities out there for you to start your own business. You just have to be crazy enough to not listen to the naysayers and GO FOR IT! Samuel didn’t listen and went for it. Now he has an employee and considering expanding his enterprise.

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