Good Cop Alert: Cop Caught Feeding Kids & Being A Good Servant

by | Sep 12, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

With so much negativity going on in the news about cops and the killing of black innocent people, it is refreshing to know that there are some cops are their that realize their job is to protect and serve, not divide and conquer. Most cops like to poke their chest out and try to show how much power they have. However, that is now what being a peace officer is all about. Maybe more cops need to watch this video below and take notes:


The police car, the badge, and the gun are only a fraction of what it takes to prove to kids that you are real, that you are human. As I've expressed before, as a police officer, you can't drive up & down the street for eight hours, with your window up & form a disconnect with the community. Park that car, get out, walk the streets, sit on some front porches & get to know people & their stories. Everyone has a story. I don't care if there are two kids out or two hundred, get out & engage & become a friend. That's the only true way that bridging the gap will take place. And another thing, don't become involved today, and then not show your face for another month. You can't be a fair weather friend. Show your face & be involved every single day. Kids recognize real. Believe that! ????????? #SummerMemories2K15

Posted by Officer Tommy Norman on Thursday, September 10, 2015

This is a great way of how to build a relationship with the community you serve. Get out of your patrol car and get to know the people. This is how you build trust. This is how you gain respect from the community and the community in return will take care of you. I’m not sure why there is not some type of training for cops on how to build a trusting relationship with the community they work in. Maybe they are too busy with ticketing people for stupid stuff or better yet pulling their guns out and shooting people for no apparent reason. What are your thoughts?

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