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Police Officer Fired After He Tased 76 Year Old Man | Urban Intellectuals

Police Officer Fired After He Tased 76 Year Old Man

by | Jan 12, 2015 | News | 1 comment

It sounds ridiculous that a 76 year old man would be tased by a police officer, but this incident is exactly what happened in Victoria, Texas last month on December 11th, 2014.

Pete Vasquez was pulled over by police officer Nathaniel Robinson. According to the officers report, Vasquez was stopped for an expired inspection sticker on his car. It turned out the sticker was exempt because of the car’s dealership tags, but Robinson wasn’t trying to hear they explanation.

police fired for tasingVasquez attempted to explain this to Officer Robinson, but was greeted with hostility and anger by the officer who quickly showed the elderly man who was in charge. Vasquez was slammed against the car’s hood, then to the ground. On the ground, Robinson tased Vasquez two times.


After a complete internal investigation, Officer Robinson was ruled to have violated three departmental policies. The policies were Conduct and Performance, Use of Force, and Arrest without a Warrant.

After a complete internal investigation, Officer Robinson was ruled to have violated three departmental policies. The policies were Conduct and Performance, Use of Force, and Arrest without a Warrant.

As a result, Officer Robinson was fired from the Victoria Police Department. A shocker for the rest of the country as it has become routine internal investigations come back showing the officers had did nothing wrong.

Officer Robinson has filed a law suit to get his job back. Robinson’s attorney said,  “There’s nothing unreasonable at all about that level of force.”

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1 Comment

  1. wallace harris

    Tase a white man police officer gets fired but kill a black man , woman or black child police officers get paid vacation What a F–k up system


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