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Another Black Teen Shot And Killed By Police Outside of Ferguson, Frustrations Over Suspicious Details | Urban Intellectuals

Another Black Teen Shot And Killed By Police Outside of Ferguson, Frustrations Over Suspicious Details

by | Dec 24, 2014 | News | 0 comments

The black community is living a real life groundhog day nightmare. Day after day across this country we are woke to news of black men and women being killed by the police. Christmas Eve is not different.

Just two miles from Ferguson, Missouri, where unarmed, teen Michael Brown was gunned down and murdered by Officer Darren Wilson, another teen is shot and killed by the police under a cloud of suspicion. The police claim the teen was armed, pulled his weapon on the police and was shot before he fired.

antonio martinHowever, there are many contradictory stories to this claim floating around by people live tweeting on the scene and giving reports of the killing. People feel as those this may be another case of doctoring the evidence to protect the killer cop.

Antonio Martin is the 18 year old black teen shot and killed by the police officer. It happened late Tuesday in the city of Berkeley, Missouri, at a Mobile gas station. This according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

From the Associated Press: 

County police spokesman Sgt. Brian Schellman says a Berkeley police officer was conducting a routine business check at a gas station around 11:15 p.m. Tuesday when he saw two men and approached them.


Schellman says one of the men pulled a handgun and pointed it at the officer. The officer fired several shots, striking and fatally wounding the man. Schellman says that the second person fled and that the deceased man’s handgun has been recovered.

What is interesting about this case is the police officer who killed Antonio Martin wasn’t wearing his assigned body camera, nor was his police car camera and audio working. Had he been using these recording outlets, we would have had much better opportunity to hear the conversation and see the situation escalate, which cannot be determined from the footage provided thus far. The cameras are too far away without any audio.

After the news of another young, black teenager shot and killed by police spread around the community, frustrated people began to converge on the Mobile gas station. Reports are coming out that instead of the police calling for an ambulance and assistance for the shot teen, they called for crowd control to deal with the upset people gathering at the scene.

Frustrations boiled over and a small scuffle ensued among the people, police at the gas station. Sparks from what appeared to be fireworks flew near the gas tanks as people tussled around with the police, voices were raised and outraged filled the air.

Eventually, the police were able to gain control of the situation and restore some semblance of order to the area. However, many questions remain because it is difficult to believe anyone would pull a gun on a police officer at close range and just hold the weapon waiting to be shot.

We will be following this as it develops, but what are your thoughts at this time on yet another police killing?

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