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Alphas, Zetas Organizations Implore Social Action While AKAs, Deltas Sit On The Sidelines | Urban Intellectuals

Alphas, Zetas Organizations Implore Social Action While AKAs, Deltas Sit On The Sidelines

by | Dec 11, 2014 | News | 0 comments

Historic African American fraternities and sororities are having very different responses to the social unrest. Protest, marches and social action in the black community over police brutality, murder and the justification of said actions by the judicial system seem to be creating a divide between these organizations in their responses.

Alpha Phi Alpha and Zeta Phi Beta organizations are not only calling for social action of their members, but to do it in their paraphernalia, the organizations colors and lettering. The murder of Eric Garner, Michael Brown, John Crawford, 12 year old Tamir Rice, and others have sparked the outrage and social action participation throughout the black community.

Alphas-Zetas-StandUpOn the other hand, Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta are urging their members to not wear the sororities symbols during protest and marches.

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These actions seem to take a sharp turn against the storied history of service and social action the members of these organizations have stood for in the past.

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Many members are outraged over the decision of their executive board to take this stance and have said so in open letters, such as the one we published yesterday.

It is great to see the Alphas and the Zetas continue the tradition of these organizations and stand tall for the rights and injustices in the black community.

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They are following in the long, storied past of those great founders and works of the organziation before them.

It is great to see the Alphas and the Zetas continue the tradition of these organizations and stand tall for the rights and injustices in the black community. They are following in the long, storied past of those great founders and works of the organziation before them.

Many are calling what is happening today the new civil rights movement and it is a shame to see organizations like Delta and the AKAs are choosing to be more concerned about their legal exposure, money and perception in the eyes of others, rather than the larger social context and future of the black community.

It seems like those on the sidelines will be on the WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY.

Update: AKA Reverses Their Stance on Protesting. Waiting on the Deltas

See our article on the disgusted Delta member here:

Wrong Side of History: Delta Sigma Theta Member DISGUSTED Over Sorority’s Decision on Eric Garner

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