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Indiana State Law Legalizes Shooting Unlawful Police Officers | Urban Intellectuals

Indiana State Law Legalizes Shooting Unlawful Police Officers

by | Dec 9, 2014 | News | 1 comment

The American police force is clearly out of control with displays of excessive force, stretching of laws governing their actions and flat out acting outside of the law at times, especially when it comes to the black community. Unfortunately, it is something we experience all too often in the community.

The State of Indiana recognized this as a problem and took steps a few years ago to give citizens the right to protect themselves with deadly force in certain circumstances, even when there is a police officer involved. These circumstances mainly involve one’s home, but has many in the black community wondering should these rights be extended beyond the home to help protect the person at all times?

gun-firedIn 2012, Indiana State legislators changed the so-called Castle Doctrine, state lawmakers agree “people have a right to defend themselves and third parties from physical harm and crime.” Rather than excluding officers of the law, however, any public servant is now subject to be met with deadly force if they unlawfully enter private property without clear justification.

“In enacting this section, the general assembly finds and declares that it is the policy of this state to recognize the unique character of a citizen’s home and to ensure that a citizen feels secure in his or her own home against unlawful intrusion by another individual or a public servant,” reads the legislation.

Given the state of the police force, judicial system and political system in this country, it would be hard to imagine a black person being able to invoke this law in order to protect his home. A likely scenario would be after the bad officer is shot dead, then the defending home owner, if black, would be gunned down by the cops mates on the force without even given a chance to explain his situation and the unlawful nature of the police officer initially.

After an unarmed black man can be choked to death on camera and the officer isn’t even indicted so a trial could happen, it would be difficult to believe a law such as this could work in our favor.

Nevertheless, the law is on the books, what do you think about it? And should it be extended to allow for deadly force outside of the home if wrong by an aggressive police officer?


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1 Comment

  1. Brenda A Nero

    IT IS WHAT IT IS because itzallconnected.

    EveryBody is a wonder-full part of The All-of-it. Racism, sexism, and colorism are pre-programmed, mental, illnesses founded, and grounded, in extremely low self-esteem. There is little need for dignity where there is no integrity.

    Black, and white, are “knot-races” that manifest as States Of Mind. All African-Americans are not “black.” Not every pale-skinned American is “white.” The energy that is put into the world is always, in all ways, on its way home. The color line is being rebranded as the united shades of America.

    KNOW THY SELF was carved into stone by the Ancient Egyptians as both a lesson, and a reminder. For always, and in all ways, the energy put into the world by each of us is coming home to all of us. Those 3 words are still more than a passing suggestion. Learning to know, and love, (y)ourSelf is a staple of every self-sustaining lifestyle. The blind-dead society that refuses to balance the scales of justice while “decriminalizing injustice” must be ostracized. Prepare for The Shunning of [white] America. It will be called A 2020 Vision.


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