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Overcoming A Losing Mindset | Urban Intellectuals

Overcoming A Losing Mindset

by | Nov 21, 2014 | A List Categories, Blog, News | 0 comments

“There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.”

-Malcolm X

One thing that everyone encounters in their life is adversity. defines adversity as adverse fortune or fate; a condition marked by misfortune, calamity, or distress. The definition is incredibly descriptive. It shows me that, no matter what your race, gender, religious/spiritual beliefs, political viewpoints, sexual preference or socio-economic status, you will have problems in your life that’ll make you feel like breaking down and losing faith. No one is exempt from it.

Even though we, as humans, all fall into adverse circumstances in our lives, how we deal with these proverbial road blocks is what differentiates us. Do you break down and accept defeat in your life or do you power through these rough times and grow from them? Most people are weak-willed and lazy, always accepting the status quo and what’s forced upon them. They have no desire to improve their lives and fold when the life creates a mild windstorm that barely even mirrors the hell hurricane that ravishes the surroundings of people in rougher situations.

Stop accepting weakness and defeat family! Put Donnie McClurkin’s classic song We Fall Down in your mental rolodex and keep your faith in the midst of these troubling times in your life. After every storm, there’s always a rainbow right?

“We fall down but we get up

We fall down but we get up

We fall down but we get up

For a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up”

Recently I talked to Snook, the author of The Day The Walls Cried. The novel is about one family’s adverse circumstances and how they keep going despite it all. She gave some great insight that everyone going through a rough season in their life should read and take into their life.

Snook Article Edited Picture

Randall: Your novel The Day The Walls Cried has a distinct motivation behind it. Tell us what spurred the creation of this story and also what it’s about.

Snook: “The Day The Walls Cried” was inspired by the need to bring awareness to deafness. I know first-hand about growing up with a family member that has a hearing impairment.  I wanted to tell a story about truth and second chances. Truth in the sense that bad things can happen to good people. Second chances aren’t always given, but if you are given a second chance, consider yourself blessed. This story was written from my heart, creating a compelling story. (Read More)

Randall: In my opinion, the best literature is one that exposes societal ills in an innovative way. What point were you trying to get across in The Day The Walls Cried? What was the core message behind this story?

Snook: In “The Day The Walls Cried” you will see the struggle of a single mother, the struggle of growing up without a mother or father, and the life of a family dealing with disabilities. (Read More)

Randall: How important is family unity and stability to proper childhood development?

Snook: Family unity and stability is very important to a child’s development. The first relationship a child has is with their parents and siblings. How those relationships are shaped has a direct impact on a child. (Read More)


Randall: In this new American society, is having a two-parent home realistic?

Snook: Yes. A two parent home is still realistic in today’s society. No matter how much society changes, you can’t change the fact that it takes the mother and father to raise a child. (Read More)


Randall: In your opinion, what are the biggest problem with our collective viewpoints towards relationships, raising children and family building in this current climate?

Snook: One thing I will say, is that we have changed how we parent. We no longer parent the way that we were parented. (Read More)

Randall: Following off the previous questions, what solutions do your propose?

Snook: I don’t think that there is one single solution. (Read More)

Randall: What other projects do you have coming up?

Snook: My upcoming project is the highly anticipated title, “Karma’s Kiss 2.” It is set to release next year. It’s the follow up to my debut novel, “Karma’s Kiss” that was originally released in 2012. The Down Turn and Karma’s Kiss will also be re-released next year under Amarquis Publications.

Randall: By the time this article is published, it will be read by many young people. What is your message to them?

Snook: No matter your circumstances, you have a choice how you want to live your life.  If your past or current situation involves abuse, you don’t have to grow up to be the abuser. You have the choice to become something greater. Your choices in life sets the path to your future. Make smart decisions. Don’t let your past dictate your future or hold you back from progress. Choose LIFE.


You can find Snook at:


Fan page:

Twitter: @snook804


The Randall Barnes Experience

-We came, we saw, we conquered! My debut publishing effort “Riverview High: Circumstances” reached #2 on the Amazon charts! Check it out on Amazon today. Don’t forget to leave a review!

-“The Diary Of Aaliyah Anderson” is out now! Make sure to go get it!

Do you have any questions, comments or concerns? Was I right or wrong on this issue? I would love to hear from you! Contact me directly at:

Email: [email protected]

Kik: @AuthorRandallB

Ask.Fm: @YoungandGiftedBooks

Twitter: @AuthorRandallB


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