Yes, “28 Years A Lie,” that was a play on words with the hit film “12 Years A Slave.”
Now that I’ve got your attention, let’s focus for a moment on a recent news report about an M.I.T. Dean who managed to stay in her position for the better part of close to 30 years undetected.
Straight cold busted. But she didn’t get fired; she ‘resigned.’ It’s all cosmetic (academically-speaking), anyway, to cover for the public relations damage.
MIT is gonna take a big hit for this one.
Or not. She was, after all, one of them.
Quote from the New York Times: “Marilee Jones, the dean of admissions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, became well known for urging stressed-out students competing for elite colleges to calm down and stop trying to be perfect. Yesterday she admitted that she had fabricated her own educational credentials, and resigned after nearly three decades at M.I.T. Officials of the institute said she did not have even an undergraduate degree.”
Just a question: How far would she have gotten with that 28-year old lie had she been a Black woman with a phony resume?
The Power of Whiteness.
Better yet, one more question: Now that we know, thanks to Michael Lewis, that the majority of young white males (Wolves) who proliferated all over Wall Street U.S.A. without so much as a math certificate, let alone a degree in finance, economics, and statistics — how in the holy hayell did they get away with that? They literally crashed the nation down to its least common denominator with magical rabbit’s hat numbers signifying nothing more than their owner’s need for greed and got away with it.
The Power of Whiteness.
How did they walk for so long a period of time without any of their background information being checked, examined under a microscope and with a stethoscope and a proctology tool, with at least three letters of reference, several recommendations … you know, the usual and customary stuff that Black Americans with REAL degrees get just to get an entry level job working under the supervision of some white person who probably barely finished high school?
MSNBC’s Toure said it some moments ago in reference to a privileged Khazar/Ashkenazi Jewish female (more than likely one with some serious ties to Zionism and the European conquest of African peoples) who stated that “her family survived Nazi concentration camps and came to this country with nothing and made it work,” and I repeat his words, “The power of whiteness.”
Her family, newly freed from a German concentration camp, hardly ‘came over here with “nothing,”‘ and that much is documented.
Something funny about that little underground methodology that goes on ad infinitum and ad nauseum that Black people know about but can never really prove prove, the one that makes white skin credible above and beyond anything and everything else:Â The Power of Whiteness.
The brother Toure did some serious exculpatory damage that is nearly impossible to do.
He wrote an entire book that folded and closed the doors on nearly 525 years of racist history all over the world in four simple words. The Power of Whiteness.
We struggle to write a whole story in six words.
“Queen died. King died of grief.” or “For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.” (Ernest Hemingway’s) is as close as most of us ever get, and he (Toure) did it in four.
Be it the educational systems, the judicial systems, corporate America, the politics, the neighborhoods, the credit and monetary systems, housing, the small business arena, even in our own Black churches and cemeteries, The Power of Whiteness.
It trumps everything, even with solid proof in hand and all evidence to the contrary, The Power of Whiteness.
That is how our ancestors came to America free, left, and returned as slaves: The Power of Whiteness.
That is how, in the more than 380+ years of unmitigated slavery outside of indentured servitude, and how in the nearly 150 years that have passed since the “Declaration of Black Independence” (‘The Emancipation Proclamation’) that freed slaves to nothing more than the onslaught of even more vicious and vile racism that has enveloped and clouded every thought, every move, every action, every attitude, and every judgment of Black people since then, how and why these things have remained in place and seem immovable:Â The Power of Whiteness.
Remember that old joke about “What do you call a Black _______?” (fill- in- the- blank) and the answer was always the same, “A Nigger.”
Welcome to the day when the race-mongering cockroaches climbed from out of their various nesting places and their hidden dens and started to scatter and flurry about just because a Black man walked into a nationally elected office and dared to assert that he was, indeed, the duly-elected President of the United States — and they still called him a nigger and then set out to break him and prove it.
If he could not surpass this kind of thing, this need to prove above all else to the contrary that Black people are inferior to anyone and everyone in the world, then where, exactly, does that leave the rest of us?
We’ve had to deal all of our lives with something that Barack Obama only spent a moment of time dealing with because he messed up and got himself elected President. Yeah. Of the United States.
The whole world finally had to recognize that racism had never gone away, it was just festering in the cockroach dens.
All of the jaded and sheltered under-exposed denial-mongering folks had no choice but to move aside for this race-bitten showdown. The roaches had no place to go, so they had to scatter and regroup quickly in order to re-engineer and regain a lost foothold that they weren’t expecting to lose. They never saw it coming–thought they had him by the nutz just because he IS Black.
And yet, they have still failed to call President Obama the one thing with a slightly racial connotation that he really might be: The Maintenance Man. The Janitor. The Clean-Up Detail. Yes, they’ve shied away from associating Obama with the Black guy, the lowly working class blue collar Black dude who used to push the mop and broom around our schools and leave everything bright and shiny and tidy for us for the next day’s classes.
So …
Just how many more truly illegitimate grads with fake resumes and credentials, even phony birth certificates, are running this country right now?
And how did that factor into the deep intrinsic knowledge that the GOP’s Tea Party faction seemed to have of every single detail of Barack Obama’s allegedly “faked” birth certificate from Hawaii? They were most assuredly able to spell out every solitary inch of “how he did it,” with details that the rest of us would know nothing about.
(BTW, just where was Ronald Wilson Reagan REALLY born? Did he even finish high school? He didn’t act like he knew much of anything, and was a little bit on the ‘educably retarded’ side himself. Definitely was not a Harvard Law School grad, and no one asked for his high school report card, either. What if the last five presidents prior to Obama weren’t born in America? Where was Al Gore born? Did he really finish college? We know John McCain was not born here, but no one made a BFD of that when he was running for President. Did he finish college FOR REAL? Hayell, for that matter, where’s the proof that Hitler even killed SIX MILLION “Jews”? He killed quite a many and then some, yes; and it was hideous, yes. But six million? They haven’t come up with the ‘credentials’ for that one yet.)
Faking documentation and credentials is something they know all too well.
Every single solitary Black person in America needs to Untwist and become real uncomfortable with that right now. Take a look at your supervisors and managers and those who get pushed ahead of you in spite of your skill level and work experience, and wonder, aloud if you have to, from where did you get your degree? How did you get this job?
It’s easy enough to check these days:Â The Power of Whiteness.Â
Now you know how you, Black man-Black woman with a degree, end up training your BOSS to do what you’ve been doing for years.
Every time they call something fake that we know is real (and they seem to know all too well “how-to” fake something, are experts at The Big Fake Out), then their own credentials and background need to be checked with a quickness.
He who errs the most squeals the loudest when caught; and my my, hit dogs, how they do holla. Don’t despair, though, your degree-obtaining was not a waste of time, because your knowledge and skills can always be used to build something better for yourselves and your posterity.
Yet, they know these things in fine detail -these FAKE documents and FALSE credentials- for a reason.
Like Grammy used to say “Any time a man accuses you of cheating and you know you’re doing no such thing…watch him carefully.”
The Power of Whiteness.