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Did You Know Dr. Henry Sampson Was The Real Inventor of The Cell Phone? | Urban Intellectuals

Did You Know Dr. Henry Sampson Was The Real Inventor of The Cell Phone?

by | Jan 15, 2016 | Modern History | 2 comments

The making of the “Cell phone” is generally associated with Martin Cooper, a pioneer in wireless communications; who is a known to have conceived the first hand held model of the cell phone in 1973 and is considered the “Father of the Cell Phone.”

However, a lot of people are ignorant of the fact the Dr. Henry Sampson invented the cell phone in 1971 by the production of Gamma Electric cell along with the co-inventor of the same, George H. Miley. Dr. Henry Sampson was born in Jackson, Mississippi in the year 1934. Dr. Henry Sampson obtained a degree in Bachelor in Science from Purdue University in the year 1956. He pursued an MS Degree in Engineering from University of California, Los Angeles in 1961.

His specialization in scientific and electronic studies continued as he pursued another degree in MS in Nuclear Engineering from University of Illinois in the year 1965. He then received a PhD in 1967.

Did You Know Dr. Henry Sampson Was The Real Inventor of The Cell Phone?

Dr. Henry Sampson has received the following Awards and Honors:

1. Fellow of US Navy (1962-1964)2. Atomic Energy Commission (1964 to 1967)
Dr. Henry Sampson, along with George H. Riley were awarded a patent for the invention of gamma electric cell. This device is a direct energy conversion device, which is able to obtain electricity by the conversion of high energy radiation into the same. This invention proved to be a huge milestone in the telecommunication and wireless streams as it led to production of the much used 21st century device, the Cell Phone.

On June 4th 2015, Dr. Henry Sampson passed away due Pneumonia and Respiratory failure. He was married to Dr. Laura Howzell Sampson who works as an associate professor in University of California.

1. ATL Night
3. Black, An Online Guide to African American History3. Martin Cooper (Inventor) Wikipedia: Henry Sampson (Inventor) Wikipedia: Wikipedia:

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  1. Quila Robinson

    It has been my understanding that a man at my church was the inventor of the cell phone. He worked for mountain bell (At&t) at that time and was not allowed credit for his invention due to the binding contract with the telephone company.


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