Chris Rock Says, “College Sports is No Different than Slavery.”

by | Mar 26, 2013 | News | 1 comment

Speaking from his Facebook page, Rock had this to say:

“So I’m watching the Kansas North Carolina game on tv .And I notice there are 9 black players and 1 white player btw the white player is amazing . Anyway I look in the stands and everybody is white .Since its known that college sports is big money . One could come to the conclusion that the nine black and one white player are playing to put 100 thousand white kids though college. I know no one is getting whipped or beaten but economically college sports are no different than slavery. I know a lot chris rockof black intellectuals will say we can do so much more than play ball and we can .But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t reap the benefits from sports .white kids that go to Syracuse and Georgetown do . These kids should be paid and allowed to get an education for themselves and there family’s for the rest of there lives. Black people not making money from college sports is like Arabs not making money from oil insane. We have our reparations lottery ticket right in our pocket and were not smart enough to cash it in.”

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1 Comment

  1. Garrett Kleban-jones

    On the Chris Rock tip….I see where he is coming from but I feel like he is talking about two different things. Yes there is something is amiss about the ratio of black athletes vs white students but at the same time equating this to slavery is alittle irresponsible.
    No one can sell these kids or sell off members of their families. No athletic director can write laws and rules that make it legal to murder them as if they were cattle. Also they are done they are not under the threat of going back into slavery on the whim of any white person who could claim they are run away slaves.
    Are these players taken advantage of….yes. The millions these schools take in compared to the cost of their scholarships proves that. To parallel these two things waters down the unforgettable, inhuman, unthinkable original sin which roots still effect us today. I think our energy is best used when we ( black people ) keep our minds focused, issues in proper context, and eyes on the prize.


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