Media, such as the Washington Post, went crazy about Zika, warnings that this could spell the end of humanity, that South America and Africa would be at their knees with the affects and a firm push to get the people behind a commitment from the USA to protect and stamp out the threat.
The major threat was said to be towards babies, babies that were affected during pregnancy if the mother had the virus. This was said to result in misshapen infants with the large amount of evidence coming from Brazil.
Big Pharma was given billions for research to come up with a vaccine after the CDC took up the cause and led much of the public propaganda.
At one point Zika was so popular that even Beeny Man got it! It was everywhere, Zika this, Zika that!
Now…. It seems that the whole thing may have been a mis-reported mess on flimsy evidence.
The deformations may not have been much to do with Zika at all, the Washington Post reported:
But to the great bewilderment of scientists, the epidemic has not produced the wave of fetal deformities so widely feared when the images of misshapen infants first emerged from Brazil.
Instead, Zika has left a puzzling and distinctly uneven pattern of damage across the Americas. According to the latest U.N. figures, of the 2,175 babies born in the past year with undersize heads or other congenital neurological damage linked to Zika, more than 75Â percent have been clustered in a single region: northeastern Brazil.
The pattern is so confounding that health officials and scientists have turned their attention back to northeastern ÂBrazil to understand why Zika’s toll has been so much heavier there. They suspect that other, underlying causes may be to blame, such as the presence of another Âmosquito-borne virus like chikungunya or dengue. Or that environmental, genetic or immunological factors combined with Zika to put mothers in the area at greater risk.
This comes after all the scaremongering they helped generate!
Of course, they may have been just relaying information, or they may have been riding on the coat tails of “news”, or they may have had the interest of the public genuingly at heart?
It just seems that Big Pharma enjoyed this mess, they made big from it, so maybe they helped, along with the gov, push this whole thing!
That’s what Natural News seems to thing, you can read their article here and the Washington Post’s here.
So, what do you think? A hoax to make Big Pharma money, or a mistake by scientists, or something we should have been careful with?