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Young Black Woman Shuts Down #AllLivesMatter With Viral Video | Urban Intellectuals

Young Black Woman Shuts Down #AllLivesMatter With Viral Video

by | Feb 1, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments

Whenever black people come together and show unity, there is always some white people in the world that feel threaten. Therefore, they create something to counteract the black movement which serves as a distraction. For example, we created #BlackLivesMatter. White people forgot the reason why that was created. It was because white people were murdering black people around the country.

However, they create #AllLivesMatter. The only issue with this is that white people are not being murdered around the country by black people. Therefore, what the hell is white people’s problem. Why are they always threaten by black power? The time has come to shut down this #AllLivesMatter movement. It has no foundation because it is only black people being murdered for absolutely no reason at all.

Why #BlackLivesMatter Protests Are Happening Across the Country

This woman tells us what ignited the #BlackLivesMatter movement. “An Overreaction,” written and performed by Sarah O'Neal.

Posted by AJ+ on Sunday, January 17, 2016

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