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Young Adult Novel Predicts Donald Trump’s Presidential Run | Urban Intellectuals

Young Adult Novel Predicts Donald Trump’s Presidential Run

by | Mar 10, 2016 | A List Categories, Celebrities, News, Politics News | 0 comments

“It seems as if Latasha is just throwing up her party and field trip ideas while disregarding everything else. Yeah, that may appeal to the ignorant, uncivilized mass of 8th graders that are at Clarkson, but you don’t need their support anyway. Remember, a true student body president is the sole representation of what the school stands for and has to offer.”
-Crystal Smith, “The Diary of Aaliyah Anderson: Volume II”

Just recently, I was asked by an interviewer on my mini-blog tour about some of the experiences that Aaliyah Anderson faces The Diary of Aaliyah Anderson: Volume II. I pondered on what I should say, as there was so much featured in the new addition to the series. As I was answering the blog questions, I was watching the GOP Debate. Nothing else was on T.V for me to watch. Besides, I try my best to keep up with political discourse, no matter how nonsensical it may be. My attention diverted from the blog interview questions I was answering to my television as Donald Trump engaged Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz in a playground style argument. That’s when I realized that I had predicted Donald Trump’s presidential run four years before it happened!

It’s not hard to see the similarities between Donald Trump’s whole campaign and a middle school presidential election. In the novel, Aaliyah positions herself as the democratic candidate. The public school system in her hometown of Willowsfield, Georgia is in shambles and she believes that she can represent Clarkson Middle School in royal fashion. Her opponent Latasha Smith, however, is just as petty and spiteful as Donald Trump. She only campaigns on the promise that she’ll make the atmosphere of the school more lively by scheduling more events and throwing parties that’ll make the former Clarkson students that are in high school jealous.

When asked about what platform she stands on or the change she fights for, Latasha can’t answer. Meanwhile, Aaliyah pitches to the student body her plan to reform the behavior system of the school and create clear incentives for academic excellence and up-to-par behavior. Latasha, not able to refute Aaliyah’s plans and embolden by the conservative minded older teachers, goes on an all-out personal attack on Aaliyah that has nothing to do with the campaign. She even tells Aaliyah her intentions:

“I’m going to destroy your ‘smart girl, virgin’ reputation!”

TDOAAII Single Cover

Latasha antics towards Aaliyah are uncalled for and they’re 8th graders in a middle school presidential election. Donald Trump is a grown, supposed “billionaire” that takes time out of a nationally televised debate to talk about his private parts instead of actual policy. But, of course, he’s poised to be Republican nominee and will have a 50/50 chance of winning the presidency and surely driving the country off a cliff. Latasha actually won voters over with her assault on Aaliyah’s character and caused her unwanted mental stress.

We’re entertained by circus-side shows and reality T.V. style cat fights. How far will our love for ignorance go though? Will it make it all the way to the White House? Nobody can truly predict that. As for if Aaliyah’s straight-forward campaign outlasts Latasha, you have to read The Diary of Aaliyah Anderson: Volume II to find out!


Follow Randall on Twitter, Instagram & Periscope: @AuthorRandallB

Check out “The Diary of Aaliyah Anderson” book series on Amazon:
-Volume I:
-Volume II:

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