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WTH: So They’re Hanging Black People in Call of Duty WW2? | Urban Intellectuals

WTH: So They’re Hanging Black People in Call of Duty WW2?

by | Nov 16, 2017 | A List Categories | 11 comments

Let me start by saying I do NOT play video games so I couldn’t give you much information about the game. I have heard of Call of Duty but I’ve never played it. All I know is while strolling through my time line I saw what appeared to be two black men hanging from a tree, then I read the caption:

“Wow now they hanging us in video games think wisely before you spend your money.”

Am I appalled? Absolutely! I really do not believe this was a necessary addition to this game. I know Call of Duty is a pretty violent game but I would never expect to see black people hanging from tree in a video game.

If I simply took an image and overrated please let me know. Sometimes people do make images themselves and lie in the caption. Something in me wants to believe their is more to this story (image) or this image is fake but something tells me this is very real.

They would never get my money despite what context this is in. We have to stop accepting whatever people put in front of us especially when they want our money. But I know some of y’all will still give them your money, willingly.

What are your thoughts on the new video game, Call of Duty WW2?

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  1. Aaron

    Oh good god. I dont know why people are SO EASILY OFFENDED!! Suck it up its a game! Yes im black too. These things were horrible events. Racism, war etc. These things happened yes! Its basically telling the player a story. Shows people of a nee generation what the old generation saw had to live with. I dont get why people are all butt hurt “oh two black guys hanging from a tree cod is racist blah blah blah im appalled.” Just remember that happend in real life regardless u like it or not. For you to get upset at a VIDEO GAME is kinda sad. Im 17 and idk about you but i just suck it up and move on with mt life. I think those who get offended over crap like this should too and learn to grow up. And deal with it.

  2. Wrong717

    I am here to let you know, that those are Jews.

  3. Thomas

    No they are not black. Why do we as people spread these false internet rumors without doing even the slightest research first?

  4. Fred

    Yea you took a pic and ran with it without study yes it is from call of duty ww2 however they are citizens that were hung by Nazi Germany. (Dialog from game )

    Stiles: Those are civilians. This is a war crime.

    Aiello: No shit, college. We’re fighting Nazis here.

  5. Rick

    They’re actually French farmers/civilians. The player passes by this scene on a way to a battle shortly after the invasion of Normandy. One of the other soldiers comments that hanging civilians is a war crime, to which another soldier reminds him they’re fighting Nazis, after all.

  6. Jakob Snyder

    Those are two white French men…

  7. Christina

    #1 those people look pretty white. #2 it is based on WW2.. I think it would be more disrespectful to wash away the terrible past of our history and act like it never happened.

    I’m playing the game currently.. Haven’t seen this yet. I’ll let you know if I do and what context it takes…

  8. Oliver

    Bro, it’s replicating a war in the 30s-40s. What would you expect? Everyone tossing candies around, kissing each other and died of diabetes and exhaustion?

  9. coleron07

    Those are 2 French (Caucasian) men being hung by Nazis.

  10. Rick

    Jesus Christ you’re an idiot.

  11. Ianchris518

    1. If those even were black people , it’s WW2. It’s a Nazi Crime to show what happened. It’s absolutely necessary.
    2. Those are Jews. If you don’t know the rest I guess you need to go to 9th grade again



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