WTF: Police Officer Threatens Life Of 5-Year Old Girl On Facebook And Is ONLY Fired!

by | Jul 19, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Big men shouldn’t go around threatening little girls in any situation, so that fact that this story is about a Kansas police officer doing it is quite disturbing!

The threat was posted to the facebook page of LaNaydra Williams’ Facebook page hours after the shootings in Dallas saw five police officers killed.

A Facebook account with the name “Rodney Lee” was responsible for publishing the comment at 11:50 p.m. last Thursday. The comment read,

“We’ll see how much her life matters soon..” he wrote beneath a two-year-old photo of Williams’ daughter, India. “Better be careful leaving your info open where she can be found 🙂 hold her close tonight, it’ll be the last time.”


Overland Park Police Chief Francis Donchez Jr. confirmed that the post was made by an officer of his, he said that the officer had been fired effective immediately and

“I want to assure our community, and those outside our community, that our highest priority is the safety and welfare of the citizens of Overland Park, and the men and women who protect everyone,” he said. “I will continue to hold the employees of the Overland Park Police Department accountable for its actions on and off-duty.”

But is this enough? This grown man appears to have made serious threats to a child. If the man was affiliated with a group the government deemed a hate group he would be locked up right now, however for many African Americans the Police are a hate group! This should be taken very vey seriously.

Williams was obviously horrified by the comment, especially considering she says she has never met the officer and has no idea why he threatened her!

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