WTF: Pentagon Admits Using Black Soldiers as Human Guinea Pigs in WWII

by | Sep 13, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Black history is littered with injustice after injustice and it’s sometimes hard to know what emotion to carry when hearing yet another. This newly released information is not exactly surprising but the confirmation is something at least. AND absolutely, yes, every living person involved in this mess SHOULD be compensated.

So, what happened?


In 1993 the declassification of papers confirmed that a secret chemical weapons testing program exposed U.S. soldiers to mustard gas and the chemical agent lewisite.

This was done by the U.S. army against it’s OWN soldiers during WWII. It sounds like something the “bad guy” Nazis would have been accused of doing.

NPR had reported that this affected 600,000 enlisted soldiers. No small amount!

However, it’s recently been confirmed by the Pentagon that these tests were conducted by RACE! WTF!!!!

Atlanta Black Star reported:

Black, Japanese-American and Puerto Rican soldiers were locked in a gas chamber and exposed to the chemicals. White soldiers were used as the control group.

“They said we were being tested to see what effect these gases would have on Black skins,” said Rollins Edwards, 93, of Summerville, S.C. “You had no choice. You did not know where you were going. They didn’t tell you anything.”

Edwards says his skin still falls off in flakes as a result of the testing. For years, the World War II veteran carried around a jar full of flakes to convince people that something had happened to him.

They write more on this troubling subject here:

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