WTF: NFL Star Looks To Buy A Gym And Cops Get Called, Accused Of Trying To Rob The Place!

by | Mar 4, 2016 | News | 0 comments

So, a local gym has an expired lease, you are a hardworking NFL football star with money to invest. Your turn up, interested and instead the staff ignore you, get scared and call the cops.

I’m pretty sure that had the Seattle Seahawks safety Kam Chancellor been white this wouldn’t have gone down like this!

The cops cleared it up quickly but it’s still messed up!

Here is the series of tweets he tweeted about the incident!

The funniest thing just happened too me in Redmond. I went to go get info on a gym that was closed and 2 ladies called the cops on me
— Kameron (@Kam_Chancellor) March 3, 2016

They told the cops I was trying to rob the place because I was looking into the glass asking for help. I took a picture of the two employees
— Kameron (@Kam_Chancellor) March 3, 2016

Good thing the cops know I’m a good guy and stealing isn’t in my blood. I work for everything I get
— Kameron (@Kam_Chancellor) March 3, 2016

I guess I won’t put a gym in Redmond then. I’m not qualified. I want to post her face so bad on the phone looking disgusted.
— Kameron (@Kam_Chancellor) March 3, 2016

No I was mad because all I wanted was a number to call and they waved me off like a fly without answering me
— Kameron (@Kam_Chancellor) March 3, 2016

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