People are aware of the Affordable Care Act, or Obama Care to many. Unfortunately, when people think of enrolling, they have nightmares because they know they have to tackle the nightmare of a website,
This may come as a surprise to you, but our Government has a long history of botching things.
Most of the time they are over complicating things and making it very difficult and costly. Well according to three techies, this is what happened with the site. However, they didn’t stop there.
George Kalogeropoulos, Ning Liang, and Michael Wasser decided they could solve the problems created by ssite. So they dedicated a few weekends and evenings to the project and have seemed to create a viable work around to the Government nightmare of a site.
The founders having a strong tech background including working with Twitter, Google and obviously simplicity. They created The Health Sherpea and it seems to have solved some major issues for people interest in signing up for The Affordable Care Act.
The mission:
The Health Sherpa is a free guide that makes it easier to find and sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. We only use carefully vetted, publicly available data.
The Health Sherpa is not affiliated with any lobby, trade group or government agency and has no political agenda.
The Health Sherpa works every simply.
You enter your zip code and get cost and programs available to you in this area.
The website allows you to search via different categories such as Covers 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, even catastrophic of expenses. It adjust the pricing and plans accordingly.
You can add additional people, even subsidies you may qualify for at the moment.
From there you click “How to Buy” button and are given the contact information directly to the insurance provider. From there, you can sign up and never have to engage the nasty site. You have the option of calling the insurance provider directly or signing up via their website.
We will keep our eye on this development, but seems like a great solution to an expensive government problem.