Let’s face it, many many many white folks, especially in evangelical circles seem to be touting the phrase ‘all lives matter’, of course all lives matter, that’s dumb to even try and push that saying. Black lives however are being threatened with the current situation hence the rise of the ‘black lives matter’ phrase. And, it seems one gleaming white celebrity evangelical pastor totally gets it!
Pastor Carl Lentz, of Hillsong Church NYC, boasts fans from Justin Beiber to Selena Gomez, he is every bit the evangelical, with his stage theatrics and his glowing white teeth.
But, this man gets something very important. He has made it clear why he won’t tolerate the ‘all lives matter’ rhetoric in his congregation.
On the Hillsong Church facebook page Lentz wrote:
“At THIS church, we are not saying ‘all lives matter’ right now because this is a logical assumption that most reasonable people agree with. All lives are not at risk right now. We ARE saying BLACK LIVES MATTER. Because, right now, black lives apparently are worth LESS on our streets. It’s “our fight” not “their fight.” – Carl Lentz
Well, that puts it quite clearly, right?
I’m not a big fan of the evangelical scene but I totally respect Lentz’s position on this.
What do you think?