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Woman Behind Horrific Trayvon Martin Costume Gets Fired From Her Job | Urban Intellectuals

Woman Behind Horrific Trayvon Martin Costume Gets Fired From Her Job

by | Nov 2, 2013 | News | 0 comments

If you think Karma is a lazy, useless being, then you should think again. Karma has been busy and hopefully this is just the beginning of her exacting revenge on ignorant, racist that for some reason think it is funny for an unarmed young man to be shot and killed.

081 001I’m sure you have seen the horrific and racist Halloween costumes floating around the internet that depicts two young men dreassed as Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. Well, the men were identified in their costumes thanks to their mothers beaming pride of their despicable costume selections.

Caitlin Cimeno posted her sons on her social media accounts in their racial Halloween costumes with the caption reading: Happy Halloween from Zimmerman & Trayvon :). The son dressed as George Zimmerman is holding his hand up to the temple of supposed Trayvon Martin replaying the horrible moments when the youngster was gunned down and left to die.

According to reports: The Massachusetts woman failed to realize that you can be easily tracked down if you post your full name, photos of your children at school, shots of your car with the license plate and selfies at work (duh!). After one Instagram user wrote, “You ruined your life by posting those pics,” Caitlin quickly changed her profile name and deleted the racist shots. But sadly for her, it was too late.

Fortunately, Caitlin is too dense to realize it was too late and was identified. Not only that, she was dumb enough to post her employer on her Facebook account and wasn’t swift enough to delete the information. The internet community reacted quickly and contacted her employer with this terrible information and snap shots of her activity.

She was promptly fired from her job.

If I had the opportunity to meet this woman, there are a few things that I would want to do, but I was raised not to hit a woman. Therefore, I would do the next best thing. I would point in her face and laugh my heart out.

Karma is a bitch and hopefully she keeps biting this one again and again.


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