You know these people. Whenever there is a conversation about the advancement of the black community or discussion about how we need to work together, they jump in and say we need to work with everyone. Their claim is we are being discriminatory and should be thinking about saving the entire human race, not just black people. I know you know who i’m talking about. You have met them and they are in your circle.
These sorts of people make me sick. I don’t mind saying it or care if you are going to judge me as a result. It is frustrating to watch the entire world advance on one accord with their race and community while we are still bickering and fighting with these clowns that want to to heal the world and work for the causes of everyone else, not their own people.
Why Black People Who Want To Save Every Race But Themselves Make Me Sick!
Let me set the record straight, I love all people and don’t have a problem with most of them. (Zero tolerance for racist and ignorance) However, I recognize that EVERY culture and community on the planet FIRST works with themselves. After they have their base secured with the property resources, economics, education and workforce, then they extend the olive branch to other communities and races to work together. However, these black people i’m talking about don’t see this in the world. They want to extend olive branches to people who already have their base together without first securing their own. Foolish.
I need to get this off my chest, UI Family, because I have notice them commenting on every post on the UI Website and fan page talking about how we need to include everyone and shouldn’t be focused on just us. They stick out like dumb asses to me during conversations of supporting black businesses, discussions on black culture, black hair engagements, politics, and more. They say we we shouldn’t only worry about us because the world isn’t just black people. These people have lost their damn minds and make me sick. There mis-education seem to know no bounds.
Here is my short list of why black people who want to save every other race on the planet but themselves make me sick.
Self Hating
It makes me sick to encounter people that don’t have love for their own community, people and ancestry. Only a person whom has been properly mis-educated would even form these opinions. You never encounter Jewish, Polish, Indian, Asian or even Mexican people that say, let’s help everyone else before we help ourselves. They would run out of the community.
However, in the black community, this person is heralded as a free thinker, tolerant or a model citizen. I call them foolish and naive at best because they are willing to ignore what every other community and race of people on the planet are doing in the name of being seen as tolerant or inclusive. It makes me sick!
Agents of Disruption
My next thought of these people are they must be agents of disruption. Meaning, their mission is to disrupt, confuse and keep the black community off course and misguided.
You might think this sounds impossible, but if you knew anything about your history, then you will recognize this has always been done in this country. Cointelpro was a Government program to hire black people to infiltrate black organizations, report back to them and disrupt their initiatives. Look up the declassified, government documents for yourself. The have already ADMITTED to these activities.
When I encounter black people with this behavior of wanting to help everyone else but themselves, Cointelpro is the first thing I think. We have an Agent of Disruption among us.
Lack of Understand the Importance of Unity
I concede every black person exhibiting these behaviors are not Agents of Disruption. Some of them are just down right confused and don’t understand why unity and working together is so important to our future. This is understandable because it isn’t like the educational system teaches these sorts of lessons, but what is frustrating is prior to the 1960’s we understood this. It wasn’t until after 60’s when we fully assimilated into the American culture we lost our way.
Unity is critical to our future because if we are together, then we don’t need to beg, borrow and steal from another or the Government. If we take our $1 trillion in annual spending power, supported black businesses, organizations and schools, then we would not need to beg for jobs, unemployment, better schooling or anything like this. We would have ample resources and means to do for self, which should be our aim.
No Knowledge of History
There is no way in the world a person well versed in their history would speak the madness I hear these clowns spew on a daily basis. The only rational reason they do is because they don’t know their history. And i’m not talking about ancient black history, i’m talking about modern black history dating back the last 100 years or less.
They cannot be familiar with the activist efforts of Garvey, Malcolm X, Dr. King, the Panthers, and many more. There is no way they are familiar with Cointelpro, as we discussed earlier. The experiments known as the “Projects” by HUD, US Department of Housing and Urban Development, are washed from their memories. The blatant running of freeways through the black business districts across the entire damn country in their efforts of “Urban Renewal” and the fall out surrounding those things are missing from their minds. The flushing of the black community with drugs, gangs and violence as the manufacturing and jobs were removed are factors they never consider. Hell, they don’t even know what the Iran-Contra Affair with Ollie North and Reagan has to do with their people the violence seen in the our communities.
I could go on and on, but you get the idea. These people are LOST and they make me sick because all this information and tons more are at their finger tips, but all they want to do is spout BULLSHIT and nonsense in an effort to disrupt and keep us off task.
Well, i’m not falling for the banana in the tail pipe. And if you want to entertain this garbage, you go ahead. Just know, I’m not giving them the time of day and will SHUT THEM DOWN on any page, asset or resource I own….unapologetically.