Whitewashing or the Moors? | DNA Evidence Says Over Half of European Men Are Related To King Tut

by | Dec 9, 2015 | Blog | 1 comment

Let me first say I don’t trust the scientists that did the DNA Testing nor do I give a damn what the findings are. There is no human being on this earth that can convince me that King Tut was European (White) with drawings on the boy king plastered all of the pyramids. And the last time I checked, the paintings where paintings of brown people. Now if they want to say that the Moors where throughout Europe and they are referring to them as Europeans, then I wouldn’t argue.

White-Washing at its best.
Since white people have come into existence, they have always been trying to find a way to make our stuff theirs. From history to music, somehow or another, they will try to use “science” or “god” to justify why they are the chosen people. But to say that King Tut is of European decent is downright STUPID. So are they really just going to ignore that they are the same people that blew his nose off?

King Tut: DNA Results

DNA testing has shown that more than half of European men are related to King Tut, while less than 1% of MODERN Egyptians share genetics with the Pharaoh.Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History https://www.createspace.com/5528598ROBERT SEPEHRhttp://amazon.com/Robert-Sepehr/e/B00XTAB1YC/

Posted by Secrets of Ancient Egypt on Friday, August 17, 2012

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1 Comment

  1. LaTrenda Whitfield

    King Tut was a young Black boy!!! Duh white ppl have African DNA!! You not smarter than me scientist!


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