At a time when black women are still struggling to have their worth and place in the society recognized, it is quite encouraging to learn that the White House has stepped forward to promote the dignity of Black girls and remind them that they are just like the rest.
The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans organized a princess type of party for young Black girls. The event, which was held at the U.S Department of Education in Washington DC, saw over 100 young Black girls converge together to share in a session of reading and speaking affirmations.
The 115 girls were being led by none other than 6 year old Jordan West who read her book Princess for a Day out loud to them. Her book revolves around a Black girl who has the intention of holding a party for homeless girls and those in foster care to give them a princess experience.
To go with the theme of the event which was that of a princess, all the young girls present there wore bedazzling tiaras on their heads. The tiaras were to be a reminder to the girls that they are princesses in their own right and are beautiful.
Also meant to remind the girls of their worth were positive affirmations which they each wrote on coloring paper. Furthermore, a mirror was passed around and each girl made to utter something positive about herself.
The major goal of the event had been to foster the importance of literacy and education while also reminding the Black girls that they are beautiful and smart. The event was dubbed AfAmEdLit(eracy).
One important lesson that the girls carried away with them is that girls of color from marginalized backgrounds can make a difference in the society right now and that they have the potential to be the change they want to see.
It is indeed wonderful that someone somewhere cares to empower Black girls and remind them that they are just as smart and as worthy as anyone.
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