They need a White History Month because We The Black People of the United States of America know more about their history than they do. It’s that simple.
From the time we are born, as Black and Afrocentric persons in America, all we ever hear and all we ever learn is white history. From the moment we are born, to the moment we enter grade school, middle school, high school and even when some of us go to college. The whole danged “Yankee-Doo-Wop” nine, ad infinitum, ad nauseum…over and over and over again, without letup or reprieve.
We hear so much white history all of our lives, that we can almost recite it by heart, point for point … and apparently, if they need a white history month that badly, they weren’t paying very much attention in school.
We didn’t have to pay attention to Black History in school, next to nobody was teaching it; and if anyone so much as suggested the idea of teaching our history in school or even putting it on the curriculum, they were threatened with certain scourging and bloodletting.
We Black Americans are way ahead of the Bell Curve gradient on white history. We are well-schooled, well-versed, over-lectured, and got it down to a “T.”
Maybe they, if only in an off-handed backward way, did us a favor without them even knowing it. Put us ahead of them without realizing they were doing so. We ended up learning their ‘white’ history so much that now that the doors are opened and opening to our own Black History on our own time, we wind up knowing waaaayyy more about them than they will ever know about us.
No. That’s not a good thing. Not for them, anyway.
Every time a FOX News talking head pundit or pontificater opens their mouth and says anything about the Roman conquests, The Constitution of the United States of America, or The Federalist Papers, or about Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War, or even about the Revolutionary War and the Radical Reconstruction, let alone The Civil Rights Movement and the real story behind Africa and slavery in the west, they tell us just how much some of them TRULY do not have a single solitary clue about their own race, let alone their own history – which means they don’t know who or what they are in America, or around the world.
I mean, some of these white folks who desperately need a White History Month lesson, or several, never even gave a single thought as to why their unelected evangelical christian “GOP President,” Sarah Palin, could never be elected President of the United States, or even put within a “heartbeat” of being The President.
They didn’t get that ‘at all’, and if they didn’t understand it, they do need a serious lesson in the history of themselves.
They need it far more than we ever would.
Eye hath not seen, nor has ear heard ALL the stuff we have to teach them about their own WHITE history that we found out a long time ago.
And our Black professors, deans, advisers, scholars, researchers, spiritualists, ministerial alliances, scientists, and historians are just the ones that they need to teach it to them.
Maureen Dowd & The Need for White History Month: She needs a Lesson in the Truth about LBJ