The Obama Years: The Beginning of the End
About them Republicans, Reparations, the United Nations, and Laughingstocks…
It was not the first time in history that the United States was called the “laughingstock of the world,” and it won’t be the last.
There is a faction of white Americans who have thoroughly convinced themselves that all was right in America UNTIL “the Black man” got elected President; but, in fact, all was not right in America for a very long time.
For Black America, all had never been right.
Even as a child, I remember the older people of my generation saying that this country, with it’s hypocritical asinine ways, did not have any business whatsoever telling the rest of the world what to do. It was not in a position to do so at the time, and for the most part, that has not changed.
As simplistic and cut’n’dried as it sounded at the time, “stay out of those people’s business and take care of your own homeland,” it comes now that so many decades later, that small seemingly insignificant factor is much bigger now than ever.
It is rightly said that Black America will have to bypass President Obama and appear before the United Nations (U.N.) in order to demand restoration through reparations and righteously hold America accountable for its years and decades and even centuries of atrocities behaviors against its own Black citizens. Yet, the only reason it may not be a good reason to proceed while he is still President is because other nations love and respect our President more than we do.
Had President Obama not gotten elected to office, many/too many Black Americans would still be in a deep state of denial about the damages white supremacy has done over the years.
However, we live in a world that demanded Saddam Hussein be hanged for the very things that this nation does itself and gets away with — the unpunished murder of its own Black citizens for no other reason than it’s being run inside out and through and through by some of the most insidiously racist and vile characters the world has ever known.
It is no wonder so many Black people act the way they do … look what trained them, in the American vernacular and right here on Indian soil.
President Obama’s presence in office, whether he likes it or not, is a most definitive reason to sustain a cause for action, to make a “whereas” preamble and to implement hundreds of provoking clauses about all of the wholesale liquid and intangible damages to Black America and the losses that were created herein. It was time a loooonnng time ago to make a final demand for reparations and then demand to see it through.
There is no “NO” to this answer: The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous.
The day is at hand for that visit to the UN. However, it must be taken forward with the understanding that though it is America’s last chance to make things right and make its Black citizens “whole,” the idea is to get it down on record. We already know what the final decision will be, because if no one has been listening so far — they’re not going to now.
There will be only one thing left to do once that demand is on paper and made official, and that’s to conclude what will be done AFTER the expected answer comes. Hint: Going bonko-willy-nilly all over the place is not going to do any of us a bit of good.
We can’t “flea market” or consign out a demand for justice and reparations.
It is much bigger than the most recent injuries, and it encompasses the hundreds of thousands of lynchings that went unresolved that happened beforehand. The world is round for a reason, and the “boomerang” effect is a MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY.
In the meantime, there is a BIG HUMONGOUS difference between subversiveness and SELF-PRESERVATION.
The Republican Party could not have been trying to preserve itself, or “conserve” anything. There was nothing for them to conserve or preserve, except for their position and ranking as white supremacists. No one had ever done to them what they have done to others.
The entirety of their actions since November of 2008 have been treasonous and subversive toward the President of this nation.
It went far beyond “freedom and right to criticize” and went into the traitor arena, BIG TIME. They wanted to sell him off, along with the rest of the country that they sold to the highest bidder like the slave traders they are; so it’s only a matter of time before their treason and ill-will comes back to fire on them.
Anyone who was complicit in the act of subversive behaviors toward the President has no credibility and NO cause whatsoever to talk about “evil dictators.” They are the evil that they seek, and they create the dictators that they eventually get around to killing once they are finished using them.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during a visit to the Songdowon International Children’s Camp in an undated photo released by North Korea’s Korean Central News Agency in Pyongyang on July 6. (KCNA/Reuters)
They say they do these things for “America’s sake,” but that is never true. Their causes are never righteous, nor are they EVER just.
Their actions and behaviors do nothing more than lend credence to Kim Jong Un’s assessment that America is the laughingstock of the world. It didn’t just happen yesterday, it’s been this way since the early 2000s, maybe even earlier…and Un is no one’s fool. Not that we ‘know’ of anyway.
Try as he might, President Barack H. Obama Jr. could do nothing to save the face of America mostly due to the pathways of clowns to the left of us and jokers to the right who had already strewn a wide swath of stuck on stupid into the international mix before he had a chance, after being hired, to clean it up. Here we are: Stuck in the middle, and laughingstockingly so, at that.
For all of its sins and failures and wrongheaded bone-thugged-out irrational juvenile irresponsibility -and we know President Obama must have gotten extremely tired of playing ‘reindeer games’ with those fallacious overly-defensive circus peanuts George Bush left behind – the Republican Party talks a good game about God and evangelicalism and so-called christianity, but despite their “appearance,” their substance is the stuff of which pure rotgut is made. They are all whitewashed on the outside and filled with dead men’s bones on the inside, so saith the Lord God.
They missed only one racist innuendo about President Obama somewhere between the handkerchiefs, monkeys, bananas, fried chicken, and watermelon: They failed to call him The Maintenance Man. And that he is, and always will be.
His presence in the Oval Office flushed all of those hidden subversive cockroaches and their Democrat friends who were hiding in the dankest darkest corners of Congress and Washington DC and tossed their sniveling put-upon asses right out here in the Light of Day for the whole world to see, and stomp.
Laughingstock, Un…
—Part 9—
The Man Bitten by a Dog
A MAN who had been bitten by a Dog went about in quest of someone who might heal him. A friend, meeting him and learning what he wanted, said, "If you would be cured, take a piece of bread, and dip it in the blood from your wound, and go and give it to the Dog that bit you." The Man who had been bitten laughed at this advice and said, "Why? If I should do so, it would be as if I should beg every Dog in the town to bite me." Benefits bestowed upon the evil-disposed increase their means of injuring you.