When the day comes that a city in the United States of America has to appeal to the United Nations to keep from having their water cut off, then something has not only gone awry in America, this country has gone straight to nasty greedmongerer’s hell.
Obama-blame all you want, but behind this pernicious machinery of claim of right of ownership to such a luxurious commodity of humanity as the earth’s water, is a bigger piece of stench than any of us want to imagine, believe or think about.
All over the nation, one effort after another to “sabotage” the Obama Administration, even folks who would kiss the ass of a Russian “Communist” President while they say they hate the “red scare” and “communism” (whatever that is) are the same folks who would snub their noses at their own duly-elected President whom they tried to stop from being elected by “stuffing the ballot boxes” with illicit voters who came from their own party. And that of their Blue Dog constituents on the other side.
All over the nation, there has been a full-blown concerted effort to start firebombs of self-destruction by the folks who can only be defined as the “Tea Party” faction of the Republican Party. However, the truth beneath the surface is much much worse than just finger-pointing and Party-blaming and it’s coming from all sides of this argument, even those who sit back and say nothing and do nothing about it.
This filthy decrepit propaganda machine is not only working to firebomb the entire legacy of the Obama Administration, but it is in full-blown “eff ’em and blame their Black skin and their ni&&er President for it” operating mode.
This news, that Black people are treated worse during a recession than anyone else, is not news to anyone but folks who don’t pay attention. But it should be news to everyone else that there is still a recession going on. It ended a couple of years ago, at least for white America.
Word on the street has it that “every time white people go into a recession, Black people have already been in a depression at least two years” is not far from the bullseye of absolute truth, with a twist.
This is not news to Black America, but it may be news for jaded people who are in denial who just found out –in 2009 no less– that racism had not gone anywhere. Even the Great Majestic Oprah herself finally conceded to that. But no, O, it doesn’t end with the dying off of a generation of this nation’s filthy racist past.
No indeedy. They are training whole new generations to take their place.
These nouveau “New Jim Crow” racists are Internet-savvy and technologically-sophisticated, but here’s what hurts the most: After President Obama is out of office and “they” decide to start throwing social lollipops at us again just to make sure their shenanigans rest and abide with him and his; when he is gone, instead of handling business with these same exact days and the past eight years truthfully in mind, the vast majority of ‘us’ are going to be glad Obama is gone so we can get back to business as usual.
Business as usual means that “Daddy Warbucks & Uncle Sam” will keep paying the bills while we keep sitting around doing what we want to do with OUR money, which keeps THEM circumstantially in control from everlasting through everlasting.
And we might “blame Obama,” we can even “Blame it on the rain,” when, in reality, we shall have no one to blame but ourselves henceforth now and forevermore.
Now would be the time for every Black person in America, and every white person with a lick of sense who understands what Niemoller meant when he said “First they came for the socialists…” to gather up the front flank and stand up to these “water bullies” and tell them “until you show us a water bill from God Almighty Himself, you godless lowdown Jesus-calling sumbitches, you don’t turn off anybody’s water in this nation.”
Socialism be damned, water is costs ONLY for systems maintenance and plant and sewage treatment, not bills for usage for something that they get for free.
There is no way in holy get-off that that ‘no-billing stipulation’ from the Planet Earth could have gone up high enough to justify this kind of nasty. Siphoning off government money in order to pay private folks who can’t be sued while they gentrify the same city they abandoned in the first place is no “solution.’ Everybody in this country who isn’t profiting off padding water bills ought to be in arss-kicking mode up in Detroit about right now because the Weird Weird West is in to Black people for about $89 Trillion in reparations and counting,
This is Tulsa, Oklahoma, except instead of FIRE it’s WATER this time.
The End.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.
~Martin Niemöller~