WATCH HIM FLY THROUGH THE WATER: At 17 This Boy Just Broke Michael Phelps 100M Butterfly Records

by | May 24, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Justin Lynch decided to pick up swimming because his sister liked the sport, he was more a basketball guy! But oh boy, I bet he wished he picked it up sooner because he just broke a record set by Michael Phelps! Woah! And he is super super humble.

Justin is being considered for the Rio Olympics after breaking the Michael Phelps record of 52.98 seconds, the record Phelps set in the 15-16 age group. He broke it by by almost thirty milliseconds with a time of 52.75 seconds.

Although he won’t hold the new record, because he was just over the age the record break, it is very important. He is just pover the age age Phelps was, he is essentially on the same path. And Justin did this fairly soon after starting the sport.

Justin was asked a bunch of questions and one of the things he spoke about was minorities in the sport, as we know, swimming is pretty much a white sport! After the race he said:

“I think it would be cool to break down those barriers. Cullen Jones already got that started, but if I could help bring other minorities into the sport, that would be great”

How frickin amazing and humble and all kinds of awesome is that?

Plus he says he is aiming for the gold in Rio! So he has a target, despite saying his win was a bit of luck he absolutely clearly has the skill! Maybe Phelps can give him some advice and a leg up too!

As for this young man and his amazing record breaking run, check it out in the video below, it’s exhilirating:

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