Steve Crump is an award winning veteran reporter, he has spend decades reporting, filming documentaries and reports on civil rights and racism, so when reporting on the Hurrican Matthew in Charlotte, North Carolina, and being subjected to a racist calling him the N-word, he confronted the man.
He is seen saying:
“It’s 2016, and an on-air news reporter can’t do his job without being called “n*gger.”
Crump had reportedly finished reporting on the effects of Hurricane matthew for WBTV in Charlotte and was walking back to his van with his crew when 21-year-old Brian Eybers, who was filming Crump and doing commentary o the neigborhood made the remarks.
Crump told the Charlotte Observer:
“He was doing commentary of the neighborhood,.. Then he starts off saying, ‘There’s a black guy walking around here, no he’s a slave, no he’s the N-word.'”
Crump is the great grandson of slaves, and he didn’t take this lightly, she he confronted the racist.
“N as in Nancy. I as in indigo. G as in grant,” Eybers replied!
Eybers was arrested as he tried to block Crump and his crew from driving away and the police had to be called.
Crump, who has filmed and talked with many racist and KKK members over the years said:
“None of them have ever called me the N-word,… We may not see eye-to-eye on racial issues, but not a single Klansman I’ve interviewed in 35 years of doing this stuff has stooped to this level of vulgarity.”
Watch the confrontation below: