Every time new information comes out in the mysterious death of Sandra Bland, the more questions arise.
This time information regarding her marijuana levels during the toxicology report are in question.
According to the two experts in a report released on Monday, Bland had 18 micrograms per liter of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, in her system. This is more than three times the legal driving limit in Colorado and Washington, the states allow recreational marijuana use.
“I don’t think it’s possible to rule out the possibility of use while in jail,” said University of Florida toxicology professor Bruce Goldberger, who reviewed the report for The Associated Press.
Bland was impaired by marijuana at the time of her death, Goldberger said.
Robert Johnson, chief toxicologist at the Tarrant County medical examiner’s office in Fort Worth, Texas, told the AP that a THC level as high as Bland’s suggests she “either had access to the drug in jail or she was a consistent user of the drug and her body had accumulated THC to the point that it was slowly releasing it over time.”
[ADSENSE2]But, Johnson added, “I have never seen a report in the literatureÂ
But, Johnson added, “I have never seen a report in the literature or from any other source of residual THC that high three days after someone stops using the drug.”
Goldberger, who is also the president of the American Board of Forensic Toxicology, said Bland had a “remarkably high concentration” of THC for someone who had been in jail for three days.
He noted that while chronic users who stop using the drug will have higher concentrations than non- chronic users, “the concentrations do not persist at this level, at least in my opinion.” He defined chronic as someone who uses cannabis daily, sometimes repeatedly.
As you would expect, the conversation surrounding this finding is Bland must have smuggled the pot into the jail and consumed it there. But doesn’t that raise the question of how and what type of piss poor jail are they running if she could get it in and smoke it inside the jail?
Something doesn’t smell right surrounding the Bland case leading people to wonder if the police forced the marijuana into Bland’s system while in the jail to somehow support their claim she killed herself.
SOUND OFF: What do you think Bland smoked marijuana in the jail herself or somehow it was forced into her system to validate a murder?
Source: MSN