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Walmart 911 Caller’s Whose Lies Led to the Death of an Innocent Man Will be Indicted | Urban Intellectuals

Walmart 911 Caller’s Whose Lies Led to the Death of an Innocent Man Will be Indicted

by | Apr 9, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments

Many of you may remember John Crawford III, who was killed by Officer Sean Williams at Walmart in Beavercreek, Ohio in 2014. The police officer went into Walmart like he was ready for war armed with an AR-15 assault rifle. He gunned Crawford down before the young man even had a chance to react to his commands.

HELP THIS PETITION: Bring FEDERAL Charges Against Cop And Prank 911 Caller Who Killed John Crawford

Well he over reacted and killed the young black male, who had a BB gun on his shoulder (which he got out of the toy aisle at Walmart), because of false information given to a 9-1-1 dispatcher from Ronald T. Richie. What Richie described to the dispatcher was a mentally disturbed black male walking around Walmart with an assault rifle pointing it at small children and customers. So the officer ran in thinking he was about to come face to face with a mad man.

But what surveillance cameras actually revealed was a black man shopping at Walmart just like anybody else with a BB gun hanging from his arm. He completely fabricated most the information he gave the dispatcher. The strangest thing about the whole situation was Richie made Crawford out to be a loose cannon walking around with a gun, yet he and his wife followed Crawford (a rifle totting mental case) around Walmart. Even if Richie wanted to convince the police that he trying to protect and serve (George Zimmerman #2), why wouldn’t he tell his wife to go to safety if Crawford was so dangerous?

So a black man lost his life because a white man thought it would be funny to call 9-1-1 and lie on the man. Hopefully the judicial system will work in the favor of the Crawford family because John Crawford III would still be here had it not been for that phone call. Richie is being charged with a first degree misdemeanor for making a false alarm, I wish there were more charges to bring against him.

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