As Trump took the first real aggression of his Presidential career against Syria we have all been left trying to make sense of things.
The Syrian war has been raging for years now and it at times has felt like the USA and Russia are using the country as a jousting field. However millions are displaced and hundreds of thousands dead, Assad is accused of attacking his own people and the USA and Super Powers are accused of doing too much, too little and sometimes of fabricating truths for their own agenda.
Whatever the truth behind all of this the ominous feeling that a World War III is headed our way lingers. The powers that be appear to be lining up their dominoes and it could be Syria that lights the final spark.
However, back in 2016, a video posted by Anonymous showed an ex-marine going off on what he thought was America’s real role in Syria and real agenda and these words leave us pondering now more than ever.
Do you think this guy is right or is he off the rails?
Watch below: