Venus Williams has sent a burn to her sister Serena after Serena’s heartfelt comments that led to the proclamation that Blacks Lives Matter and that She Won’t Be Silent anymore. Venus has practically shrugged it off and she threw the ‘All Lives Matter’ phrase out there.
Serena had written that while driving with her nephew and seeing a police car she felt fear, she wrote:
“I would never forgive myself if something happened to my nephew. He’s so innocent. So were all ‘the others,’ ” Serena wrote in part.
“I won’t be silent,”
Serena was playing in the Wuhan Open and after the matches reporters asked her about Serena’s comments. One jornalist asked:
“How important do you think it is for you and your sister and other Black athletes to speak out on those issues?”
Venus was quite tart in her response saying:
“I haven’t seen the post,” and that “I think all lives matter, so … I can’t really comment.”
Of course Venus has seen the wrath of twitter now, and I am sure most people of color hearing this are not happy with the way she has cast it off!
Maybe she was just tired and maybe a little jealous of the attention her sister gets!
Here are a few of the tweets:
@Venuseswilliams I am CERTAINLY glad your sister is not as naive…or stupid…as YOU! #WakeUp #BlackLivesMatter#UNFOLLOW
3:36 PM – 29 Sep 2016
Venus had think pieces about equal pay, interviews, made headlines, etc. She didn’t mind. Yet, she goes with “I believe all lives matter”
6:17 PM – 28 Sep 2016 · Vinings, GA, United States
Venus Williams can get the hell on with her losing ass. This is why we always loved Serena. She’s the chosen one anyway
7:10 PM – 29 Sep 2016
What do you think of this mess?