Please don’t take this the wrong way, I’m not defending “Christianity” as a religion.
As a religion, it’s about the same as all of the other religions on Earth that were started by mankind, and it is just as faulty and just as sincerely right and wrong in its effect and impact around the world.
I say that for a couple or three reasons:
1 Christianity as the slaves were taught it came from Rome. It did not come from the Christians who lived in Jerusalem, where it all started, or the ones in Antioch (Greece), where these people first started calling themselves “Christians” long before Rome even knew what it was.
So, in the form in which it now exists, Christianity was wrong from Western inception. That Rome infected it with their heretical pagans and idolatry does not make it any less a legitimate religion than all the others are; Blackfolk have simply to figure out how to untwist themselves from the lies that Rome told about Christianity.
2 All five major religions of the world came out of some very Blue-Black original people back in Mesopotamia, Persia, Assyria, the Far East, and Middle East (which is nothing more than Northern Africa). Those religions are: Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism, all “major” religions only because they say they have at least one billion believing followers around the world.
Atheists, or “unbelievers,” who say that western enslavement ALONE somehow “proves” there “is no God” (and who also seem to take a certain sure bow’n’arrow type of aim and swipe at Black women who call themselves “Christian” when they do it) are also faulty in their assessment. Here’s why: An atheist cannot possibly know that there is no God because they have no way of knowing it.
It’s pretty easy to ascertain that any man or woman who did not make or populate a world, a planet, the cosmos or the universes or even the “space junk” like comets, stars, and asteroids that we see in the universe, is not a valid authority on how this world came about or by what means.
3 If a big-brained man can build a ginormous building that is 25,000 times bigger than the largest man on earth and they can swear that it calls for big-brained engineering ingenuity, then most certainly a planet that can snap that ginormous building in two like it’s a skinny twig tossing in the wind didn’t fall into position and populate itself without any thought or planning.
You can take that one on faith alone.
Define Faith: It is an act, or action.
It is born of hope, but it never stops there. If faith is not acted on, then faith without works is dead. People who use “faith” as an excuse rider not to work and get things done are indeed the laziest and most faithless of us all.
Science, therefore, wants to say that Religion believes in magic, this faith being some kind of “magic with nothing to back it up.”
However, the very idea that worlds and universes and solar and lunar systems, and thousands of other kinds of “space junk” creates and populates itself from nothing more than dust in the wind and loud noises is more magically-inspired than any so-called man-made religion could come up with in more than a million years.
All we really need to remind ourselves of is that the various studies of man-made science are also a “made up” highly pseudo-presumptuous kind of thing.
Between the hypotenuses and hypothesis, every single scientific study that we now rely on is based on nothing more than sincere guesses made up of the stuff that was here before any of us were born. None of it is exact science, and none of it is so written in stone and encrusted in certainty that it can’t be changed overnight with every “new” discovery.
That said, we can all slow our roll on the “there is no God and anybody who believes it is an eternal slave” thing.
A study of real WORLD history and not just American history, tells us that white people gave us nothing whatsoever … not even a decent religion; and definitely and most assuredly not Christianity, of all things. The Roman version of it was tainted, so tainted that many historians believe it contributed to the FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE; and that’s all anyone needs to know about it before they play eeny-meeny-miney-mo and pick a religion to belong to.
They are all pretty much the same, except for the ones that say there is more than One God — that’s a whole other story and it is theirs for the taking.
But even the Ancient Chinese, from whom came the religion called Buddhism as well as hundreds of thousands of other inventions and intelligence that underscored today’s world technologies, were also Black people.
Now considering that white people themselves have touted the ancient Chinese about the land for the last few centuries as the “world’s oldest civilization,” well…Hell, do tell. LOL. That was the last time we’re telling you that Black people were here first…and this world would have nothing that it has now without them.
This Earth was populated by God with Blue-Black man and woman at least 200,000 years before a white face (Caucasoid) ever showed up, that much has been “scientifically established” even by the Chinese, who are nothing more or less than a deracinated type of Black people themselves, and they have finally confessed it.
God is no respecter of persons, or personalities, or parsonages. Now, that said …
How they were able to take what belonged to our Black ancestors, claim ownership of it and rights to it, and sell it back to our historically Black People, with a bill of goods and lading, is another story all together that can only be found in The Twilight Zone … I mean, the Bible.
In other words, atheism doesn’t hold an inch of shadow to a hidden corner in the light of day.
The followers of the Mashiach did not call themselves Christians. They were labeled as by the Romans. They considered that name to be an insult.
Christ didn’t call Himself a Christian. Even the name “Jesus” is an insult that means “of the Suidae,” in Latin, a pig or wild boar of some kind.